ANSA announces the appointment of Alex Greenhalgh as Managing Director.

Since joining the business in 2003, Alex has played a pivotal role in the company’s overall success, holding several key management roles across several departments including Service, Sales and Repairs delivery, with a focus on quality, compliance, employee training and strategic development.

Appointed to the Board of Directors in 2010 in his current role of Service Director, Alex has been instrumental in the company’s strategic development and expansion.

Alex is committed, passionate, and driven and has continually demonstrated a high level of leadership and commercial acumen. He has established a reputation for delivering exceptional service standards; his leadership skills are evidenced in the quality of our unrivalled service delivery, of which he has continued to develop to the highest levels over a 20+ year period and this appointment will be key to our ongoing success.

ANSA announces the appointment of Chris Etchells as Head of Service.

Since joining the company in 2004 as an apprentice, Chris qualified as an Installation engineer in 2008, then worked in the Service engineering team and became a Test level technician in 2016. Chris has developed his engineering skills in several technical roles ultimately leading to a position within the senior management team. 

Chris’s excellent technical knowledge and experience coupled with several years managing the customer element of the service department puts Chris in an ideal position to continue to maintain and develop the service department on an ongoing basis.